Light is essential to every strong image, creating atmosphere, revealing or hiding details, and producing compelling visual effects.

This Photography Intensive offers intermediate photographers the chance to master the use of light, gain critical technical knowledge, and deepen their artistic understanding. Beyond basic lighting tips, students learn to creatively incorporate light into their practice. Through hands-on sessions and assignments in both studio and on-location settings, students explore a wide range of lighting equipment and accessories. They gain experience with continuous lights, studio strobes, portable flashes, and natural daylight, building a solid foundation in lighting techniques. This intensive program helps students refine their skills and aesthetics, develop a personal style, and create dynamic portfolio images.

The Lighting Foundations Intensive is an onsite program.

Topics of study include:

  • The qualities and characteristics of light as it relates to photography
  • Creative usage of daylight
  • The studio environment
  • Learn how to use lighting equipment and accessories
  • Continuous lighting and strobe-based lighting sets
  • Portable lighting equipment and studio kits
  • Contemporary lighting theories and photographic aesthetics
  • Refined application processes
  • Advanced techniques for understanding light in photography 

Expected Outcomes of ICP's Lighting Foundations Intensive:

  • Understand and practice a variety of lighting techniques, tools, and skills
  • Capture beautiful images using natural daylight
  • Experience a modern studio environment with state-of-the-art equipment
  • Build continuous lighting and strobe-base sets according to your needs
  • Configure your portable lighting kit for creative use of light everywhere
  • Use a lighting guide in photography to develop your visual sensitives and personal style
  • Create personal projects and dynamic pictures for your portfolio

Special Benefits of the Lighting Foundation Intensive:

  • Official ICP digital certificate (see requirements below)
  • $150 total savings after completing all photography in lighting courses
  • Exclusive early registration period before each term


Program Structure

Framework & Courses

Important Notes


The Lighting Foundations Intensive is an intermediate photography program at ICP: You are familiar with your camera, whether film or digital. You understand aperture, shutter speed, exposure, white balance, histograms, and how to control focus. You are comfortable editing and processing your images. Before enrolling in ICP's program on understanding light in photography, you may want to understand how to utilize your camera in a more thoughtful and articulate way or how to utilize concepts and ideas in relation to your portfolio of work while learning about lighting. Students must meet the prerequisites of each course they register for as part of the program.


Enrollment to the Lighting Foundations Intensive is open throughout the year. Once enrolled, students may select their preferred courses (see ‘Register for Upcoming Courses’ above). Use the ‘Enroll in Intensive’ button below to submit your online application form (no preparations are needed).

Depending on students’ onsite and offsite course selection, the total tuition can range between $1777–2410 and includes: 
•  A non-refundable registration fee of $300 
•  The discounted fees of the selected and studied courses. Lighting courses’ fees range between $495–$1065 and enrolled students receive $150 discounts on each of their courses (total discount of $450). 

As a limited promotion, ICP may approve and credit courses previously taken at ICP towards completion of the Intensive, and adjust the registration fee and remaining discounts accordingly (see Special Promotion).


Photo students must pass all required courses before receiving ICP certification. All intensive photography courses must be completed within a period of 1-year from the date of registration (excluding approved past courses). Once a student completes the requirements, a request for the certificate should be submitted using the button below. 

Image by ICP faculty member Bobbi Lane
A single yellow street light with palm trees surrounding it. Image by ICP faculty member Janusz Kawa
A shirtless person with tattoos, their arms folded. Image by ICP faculty member B Proud
A man with a black shirt standing in semi darkness. Image by ICP faculty member Nelson Bakerman