ICP's B&W Film Photography Intensive is an opportunity for beginners and experienced digital photographers to immerse themselves in analog photography and discover the magic of darkroom printing. 

In state-of-the-art facilities, students will acquire technical knowledge while developing their creativity and printing skills. Through lectures, demonstrations, hands-on sessions, assignments, and class discussions, students learn to operate film cameras, expose and develop negatives, apply various printing techniques, and discover their personal visual style. As they build their portfolios, they can explore alternative analog processes and formats to expand their artistic practice. 

The B&W Film Photography Intensive is an onsite program.

 Topics of study include: 

  • Camera operation and settings 
  • Film exposure and development 
  • Essential darkroom printing skills 
  • Historical and contemporary photography 
  • Fine printing techniques 

Expected Outcomes: 

  • Understand and practice the technical and aesthetic possibilities of analog photography 
  • Acquire and utilize a variety of printing techniques 
  • Develop your creativity, artistic vocabulary, and visual comprehension  
  • Capture, develop, and print beautiful black & white images  
  • Build a cohesive body of work 
  • Discover your personal visual language 
  • Explore alternative printing processes (optional) 

Special Benefits:  

  • Official ICP digital certificate (see requirements below)  
  • $150 total savings on tuition after completing all courses  
  • Additional 10-hours darkroom use for free (worth $150) 
  • Exclusive early registration period before each term

Program Structure

Framework & Courses

Important Notes


No prior photography experience is needed for the B&W Film Photography Intensive. Students must meet the prerequisites of each course they register for as part of the program. Students new to photography may want to take the course Film Camera Basics prior to their first course for an additional foundation. A 35mm film camera with manual shutter speed and aperture control is required.


Enrollment for the B&W Film Photography Intensive is open throughout the year. Once enrolled, students may select their preferred courses (see ‘Register for Upcoming Courses’ above). Use the ‘Enroll in Intensive’ button below to submit your online application form (no preparations are needed).  

Depending on students’ course selection, the total tuition is $1880 and includes:  
• A non-refundable registration fee of $300  
• The discounted fees of 4 selected and studied courses. Courses’ fees range between $630–$700 and enrolled students receive $150 discounts on each of their courses (total discount of $450).  

As a limited promotion, ICP may approve and credit courses previously taken at ICP towards completion of the B&W Film Photography Foundations Intensive, and adjust the registration fee and remaining discounts accordingly (see Special Promotion).


Students must pass all required courses before receiving ICP certification. All courses must be completed within a period of 1-year from the date of registration (excluding approved past courses). Additionally, to receive their certificate, students need to present an edited and sequenced selection of 10-20 pictures they have photographed as part of this program. Once a student completes the requirements, a request for the certificate should be submitted using the button below. 

A tree alongside a dirt road. Image by ICP faculty member Richard Rothman
An abstract interpretation of a supernova. Image by ICP faculty Tricia Rosenkilde
Image by ICP faculty Kristin Holcomb
A goofy horse looking straight at the camera. Image by ICP faculty Sandra Carrion