Spaces Corners at ICP Museum invites you to a book signing for Lockdown Archive by Mike Mandel and Chantal Zakari on Saturday, November 12 from 2 to 4 pm.

Lockdown Archive, included in Public, Private, Secret, is a collection of 370 photographs found on the web and reorganized chronologically, by category and by location, in order to provide an encyclopedic overview of the Watertown manhunt in 2013.

This project is a companion piece to Mandal and Zakari’s previous work Shelter in Plates. Both artworks recognize the unprecedented lockdown of thousands of Watertown residents, including the artists, who were ordered to shelter in place, during the search for the last Boston Marathon bomber. Confronted with military-style troops searching our homes and surroundings, for sixteen hours families were ordered inside, police stationed at corners and half-way points on every street. No cars were allowed into the search zone. No one was allowed outdoors. They watched and photographed through their windows while SWAT teams methodically searched every yard, under porches, and in some areas inside homes, as well. Lockdown Archive is a comprehensive photographic documentation uploaded to the web by the media and by residents of Watertown while they were living under military siege.

Visit Spaces Corners to preorder a signed copy.

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