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Dismantling the Gaze: The Spiritual Hunt

Date Nov 13, 2018
Type Special Event

Curator and Art+Feminism co-founder Jacqueline Mabey presents a lecture and guided meditation that explores themes of identity, care, and community.

As an artist or an artworker, one’s labor is deeply imbricated with a sense of self; what you make is who you are. Vectors of self—gender, sexuality, ability, and so on—when not affirmed by the culture at large can become core aspects of identity. On the other hand, both Buddism and neuroscience posit that a stable sense of self does not exist. How do we reconcile these two conflicting frameworks?

The Spiritual Hunt will look to the ideas of Jack Halberstam, Johanna Hedva, José Esteban Muñoz, and Jan Verwoert to propose answers to the questions: “How do you care for yourself and your community when you are under strain?” and “How can our care avoid becoming commodified?” The lecture will culminate in a guided meditation led by Mabey.


Jacqueline Mabey’s work is shaped by studies at Wilfrid Laurier University, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia, and by multifarious professional experience in commercial galleries, museums, and artist studios. Mabey is a co-founder of Art+Feminism, an international, activist curatorial platform based out of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, with satellites at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Tate, London; Banff Center for the Arts; MAXXI, Rome; Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC; and MoCA Detroit, amongst many others. They have curated the work of artists including Yael Bartana, Hannah Black, Kate Gilmore, Brendan Fernandes, Ken Gonzales-Day, Jen Liu, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Jumana Manna, Divya Mehra, Lorraine O’Grady, and Addie Wagenknecht, and spoken about their work at venues such as Cornell University, the New School, Printed Matter, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, and Columbia University. They were named a Leading Global Thinker by Foreign Policy magazine and a Badass Woman by Buzzfeed. Mabey works independently under the honorific, failed projects. They were born in New Jersey, raised in Nova Scotia, and, currently, live with a small dog by a large park in Brooklyn.